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Links Organizer Updates Changelog

From this page you can see what new features and modifications have been done through the different releases of the software.

You can easily upgrade to latest version of the software by grabbing the upgrade package of the software from the Owners Lounge. Click here to go there directly

ver 1.7 - Released on December 06, 2010

Priority: Normal, no need to upgrade unless you need the new features

Upgrade Instructions: Unpack the upgrader package on your pc. Upload all contents in BINARY mode to your Links Organizer install. Run in your browser the 'lo-upgrade.php' file to complete the upgrade and delete it upon successfull upgrade!

  • Email Notification - New trades email notification now shows detailed information about the new trade
  • Skip Trades - Ability to configure the Linkchecker to skip checking for reciprocal link any new trades added last X days
  • No Follow - The Linkchecker now looks for "nofollow" tag and reports if such tag exists in your reciprocal link at your traders` sites
  • Error File - The Linkchecker now saves an error file for each problemable trade it reports. You can now easily and quickly double check the problem before taking any actions.
  • Mass Add Template - You can now easily add new template to multiple sites at once
  • Mass Edit Template - You can now easily edit the template of multiple sites at once
  • Banned Domain Extensions - You can now configure the script not to accept new trades with certain domain extensions you don't want to trade with
  • Default Rules - You can now configure predefined set of rules and settings, so that when you add new sites, the form is prefilled with those values
  • Mass Edit Sites - You can now easily edit the settings of multiple sites at once
  • Auto Interlinking - The Auto Interlinking has gone more advanced. Now you can tell the script to automatically display your new site at multiple sites in your database while you are adding the new site to the system
  • HTML Trades Exporter - A nifty tool that lets you export your trades from an HTML page, so that you can easily import them to Links Organizer
  • Admin Interface - The admin interface has become more userfriendly, easier and faster to use with the lots of new improvements done on it
  • Performance - Lots of optimizations and performance improvements has been done, so that the script uses less resources, works faster and smoother
  • Lots More.. - There are lots more small stuff added which make your work more productive and easy!

ver 1.6 - Released on May 26, 2009

Priority: Normal, no need to upgrade unless you need the new features

Upgrade Instructions: Unpack the upgrader package on your pc. Upload all contents in BINARY mode to your Links Organizer install. Run in your browser the 'lo-upgrade.php' file to complete the upgrade and delete it upon successfull upgrade!

  • Stats Tracker - Links Organizer users now easily can track stats about their linktrades.
  • Smart Signup Forms - All public trades signup forms now remember certain fields, so your traders don't have to fill them all the time
  • Multi Trades Import - Trades import section extended so that you can import trades to multiple sites at once
  • Mass PR Update - Function to manually trigger a PR update of all your sites or trades
  • Signup Form Protection - Ability to easily protect your combined signup form from Search Engines accessing it
  • Portfolio Page - New combined public page introduced that holds a list of your sites that are open for trades. It can be protected from Search Engines as well
  • Category Support - You now may call your combined signup page and your porftolio page directly to exact category, like
  • Stats Prunning - Now script can automatically prune your traffic stats, so it frees up resources
  • Auto PR Update - Ability to set the script to automatically update the PRs of all your sites or trades
  • Trading Instructions - Added explanatory details to all public signup forms how your traders can make the different types of trades
  • PR History - Script now keeps all your trades PR in database, so you can anytime see how it changed with the time and determine if the trade is good for you or not
  • Trades Export - New ability to export your trades, either in OPML format or custom formatted list
  • Linkchecker User-Agent - You can define how your Linkchecke will identify itself when visiting your trades
  • Ignore 301 Redirects - You can set your Linkchecker to ignore trades returning 301 Apache redirect codes
  • Trades IPs - Script now can resolve your trades IP addresses and save them in database. You can easily see how much trades you have on a distinct IP address
  • Trader Email Notification - You can now tell the script to notify your traders by email upon trade approval or denial
  • Trades Expiration - You now have the ability to set a trade to expire after certain number of days
  • Invisible Trades - You can add trades to the system which will be used only for recip checking, they won't appear on your sites
  • Auto Interlinking - New option added to the Sites Autointerlinking feature. You can now tell the script to interlink all your sites from selected categories
  • Trades Limitations - You can now instruct the script to accept just certain number of new trades per time interval. You can define limits on the characters of the trades title, anchor and description
  • Only Top Domains - You can instruct the script to accept only trades on domains, no subdomains
  • No Query - You can instruct the script to accept only trades not having query in their URL
  • Index Page Exchange - You can instruct the script to accept only trades on index pages
  • Max Trades per IP - You can instruct the script to accept only certain number of trades per distinct IP address
  • Max Outbound Links - You can instruct the script to accept only trades having less than a number of outbound links you specify
  • Required PR - Dynamic PR requirements. You can tell the script to dynamically determine trades with what PR to accept
  • Manual Linkchecker - You can now manually run the Linkchecker
  • Linktrade Partners - You can now maintain linktrade Partners, so that they have special treatment of their trades
  • Screenshots - You can now upload screenshots of your sites, so that they appear on the signip forms

ver 1.5.1 - Released on March 28, 2008

Priority: Normal

Upgrade Instructions: Users on v1.5 grab the upgrader package, unpack and upload in BINARY mode just file "". Users on lower than v1.5 do regular upgrade procedure.

  • Bug Fix - Fixed the bug on the combined signup form where the site anchors didn't rotate in the ready for copy and paste recip code.
  • Improvements - Small improvements have been done.

ver 1.5 - Released on March 01, 2008

Priority: Normal

Upgrade Instructions: Unpack the archive, Upload all contents into your LO install directory in BINARY mode, run "lo-upgrade.php" in your browser.

  • New Look - Brand new outstanding and modern design, look and feel.
  • Automatic Site Interlinking - You are able to easily interlinking through your sites network operated with Links Organizer. It can also be completely automatic
  • ABC Site Interlinking - Smart, Sophisticated and Powerful ABC interlinking interface for setting up ABC trades between your own sites. Nowhere else available!
  • Multiple Anchors Support - You are able to define multiple anchors for your sites, so they rotate on signup forms and traders grab different anchors each time!
  • Single Site Signup Forms - From now on each site you operate with the script has its own trade signup page, with lots of features and custom settings.
  • Edit Signup Forms - From now on the signup forms are not encoded so you can edit them as you like.
  • Bulk Import Trades - You are able now to easily import new trades in a bulk.
  • Category Selection - On the combined signup form for all sites, a dropdown for category is available, so that only sites from that category will be displayed.
  • Improved Google PR Calculator - Script now uses more advanced Google Page Rank calculator and you should be getting the PR without problems.
  • Premate Templates - You are now able to add premade templates, so that when creating a new template you can easily choose from the premade. Saves tons of time!
  • Unlimited Trades - You are now able to define unlimited trades output in the template variables.
  • Only ABC Trades - You can tell the script to accept only ABC type of trades at the new site's own signup pages.
  • Configurable Smart Checker - You can now set how the smart checker works.
  • Templates Output - You can now easily see the output of the templates.
  • Linktrades Output - You can now easily copy the output list of your trades in html format ready to paste to your sites. Really useful for free hosts where no php is allowed.
  • SSI Support - At the templates linking instructions page is added the trick that makes your trades displayed on SSI pages (.shtml)
  • Script Improvements - Major improvements have been deployed both in script code and mysql database, which ensures more productivity and efficiency
  • Lots More.. - There are lots more small stuff added which make your work more productive and easy!

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